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Digital Repository

MRI - Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis - T2 hypersignal on vertebral segments C2-C5, Th2-Th5 and Th7-Th11
Bilateral Motor Deficit of the Lower Limbs (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

We report the case of a 15-year-old male teenager admitted in our clinic for bilateral motor deficit of the lower limbs associated with the impossibility to defecate within the last 48 hours and to urinate for approximately 10 hours. The symptoms developed progressively with severe fatigue within th ...

ECG - Complete congenital atrioventricular block
Complete congenital atrioventricular block (Romania)
Clinical Area:

We report the case of a term male newborn, appropriate for gestational age, gestational age 39 weeks and 4 days, who was born in our 3rd level maternity. From the anamnesis, we noted that the pregnancy was monitored, with a prenatal diagnosis of complete congenital atrioventricular block. At admissi ...

Figure 1. The left ventricle from which the pulmonary artery originates; Figure 2. Large vessels with the Aorta located anteriorly and the pulmonary artery posteriorly
D-Transposition of the Great Arteries (Romania)
Clinical Area:

We report the case of a term male newborn, appropriate for gestational age, gestational age 38 weeks, who was born in our 3rd level maternity. From the anamnesis, we noted that the pregnancy was monitored, with an prenatal diagnosis of complex congenital cardiac malformation: Transposition of great ...

First image - antero-posterior thoraco-abdominal x-ray; Second image - Latero-lateral thoraco-abdominal x-ray; Both images with intestinal aeration suddenly interrupted in the middle abdominal floor; opacity in the lower abdominal floor
Early-onset neonatal sepsis associated with ileal atresia (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

We report the case of a term newborn female, small for gestational age, born at a gestational age of 38 week and 3 days in our 3rd level maternity. The anamnesis pointed out that he originated from an unmonitored pregnancy. At admission, she presented grunting, oxygen saturations 80% in ambient air ...

Antero-posterior chest x-ray - a dark lucency around the edge of the left lung pleural line with a significant portion of the affected hemithorax without lung markings and mediastinal shift
Neonatal pneumothorax secondary to respiratory distress syndrome (Romania)
Clinical Area:

We report the case of a preterm newborn female, the second twin, with very low birth weight, born at 27 weeks of gestation in our 3rd level maternity. At admission, she presented functional respiratory syndrome represented by cyanosis, grunting and retractions. On auscultation, the breath sounds wer ...

Antero-posterior chest X-ray - low lung volumes, ground-glass reticulo-granular appearance with air bronchograms
Neonatal pneumothorax secondary to respiratory distress syndrome (Romania)
Clinical Area:

We report the case of a preterm male newborn, the second twin, with very low birth weight and a gestational age of 32 weeks who was born in a 1st level maternity and transferred to our 3rd level maternity at 10 hours after birth. At admission, he presented functional respiratory syndrome represented ...

Cranial ultrasound, coronal section – 3rd degree intraventricular hemorrhage, in the left ventricle; 2nd degree intraventricular hemorrhage without ventricular dilatation, in the right ventricle.
Neonatal seizures secondary to grade III intraventricular hemorrhage (Romania)
Clinical Area:

We report the case of a preterm female newborn, with very low birth weight and gestational age of 27 weeks of gestation which was born in our 3rd level maternity. We perfomed serial cranial ultrasounds. In the 1st day of life, there were no signs of intraventricular hemorrhage. On the 3rd day of lif ...

Cranial ultrasound, coronal section – Neonatal posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus secondary to intraventricular hemorrhage
Neonatal posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus secondary to intraventricular hemorrhage (Romania)
Clinical Area:

We report the case of a preterm male newborn, with extremely low birth weight and gestational age 25 weeks of gestation which was born in our 3rd level maternity. He was born by cesarean section performed for premature detachment of the normally inserted placenta. We performed serial cranial ultraso ...

Monitoring sheet prepared by the nurse
Late-onset neonatal sepsis with septic shock (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

We report the case of a preterm female newborn, the first twin, with extremely low birth weight born at 27 weeks of gestation in our 3rd level maternity. The anamnesis pointed out that the pregnancy was monitored, and the mother benefited from corticotherapy administered antepartum. At admission, th ...

Chest X-ray - Acute pulmonary edema
Acute pulmonary edema (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Acute pulmonary edema is a frequently encountered medical emergency marked by severe shortness of breath, orthopnea, and pulmonary congestion due to left ventricular failure. For nurses, the rapid recognition of the clinical presentation (severe dyspnea with orthopnea, which prevents the patient fro ...

Electrocardiography - ventricular fibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is necessary to save the life of a person without a pulse and breathing. After 4 minutes without oxygen, irreversible damage occurs to the brain. In such case is vital to initiate CRP. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the only chance of survival in such situ ...

Electrocardiography - asystole
Asystole (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is necessary to save the life of a person without a pulse and breathing. After 4 minutes without oxygen to the brain, irreversible damage occurs, making the timely application of this maneuver vital in such cases. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the only ch ...

Patient with septic shock + advanced hemodynamic monitoring which suggest the state of sock
Septic shock (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Sepsis is identified by an acute change in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score of 2 or more points, which reflects organ dysfunction or failure. The SOFA score evaluates the function ...

Meningoencephalitis - developed with AI
Meningoencephalitis (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

Meningoencephalitis is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation and/or infection of meningeal membrane and brain at the same time. It’s life-threatening, and early treatment is essential. Commonly meningoencephalitis is caused by viral infections (herpes simplex virus, enteroviruses), ...

Right sylvian ischemic stroke on cranian computer tomography
Stroke (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Stroke, a medical emergency caused by interrupted blood flow to the brain, requires prompt recognition and intervention to minimize brain damage and improve outcomes. For nurses, early identification of stroke symptoms—such as sudden weakness, facial drooping, difficulty speaking, or confusion— ...

Pacient with hypoglycemic coma - AI performed image
Hypoglycemic coma (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Hypoglycemic coma, a severe complication of low blood sugar levels, can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly. For nurses, recognizing early signs of hypoglycemia—such as confusion, sweating, weakness, or tremors—is critical to prevent progression to coma. In the event of a hypoglycemic ...

Arterial blood gas in a hyperglycemic crisis
Diabetes- Hyperglycemic crisis (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Internal medicine

The occurrence of a hyperglycemic crisis, often associated with severe complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS), can lead to life-threatening conditions that significantly increase the risk of mortality, regardless of the patient’s age. Therefore, ...

Anaphylactic shock - AI created picture
Anaphylactic shock (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Internal medicine

Anaphylactic shock, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, can result in rapid deterioration and increased mortality, regardless of the patient’s age. Therefore, early diagnosis and prompt treatment are critical in preventing fatal complications and ensuring the best possible ...

Hemorrhagic shock – digestive bleeding on a child - imagine created with AI
Hemorrhagic shock – digestive bleeding (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Internal medicine

Hemorrhagic shock from digestive bleeding is a serious and often life-threatening condition that can escalate quickly, putting patients of any age at risk. Rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment are essential to control the bleeding and stabilize the patient, improving their chances of recovery. Th ...

Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism (Romania)
Clinical Area:
Internal medicine

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a serious condition in which a blood clot obstructs the pulmonary arteries, potentially leading to life-threatening complications. Nurses play a critical role in the early detection and management of PE, as symptoms can often be subtle or resemble other conditions. Recogni ...

COPD - hypercapnic coma - image created with AI
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - hypercapnic coma (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Hypercapnic coma, a severe complication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), occurs when high levels of carbon dioxide build up in the blood due to respiratory failure. For nurses, recognizing and managing this condition is critical, as it requires immediate intervention. Nurses must be ...

Pneumothorax (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Pneumothorax, the collapse of a lung due to the presence of air in the pleural space, is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate attention. For nurses, early recognition of pneumothorax symptoms—such as sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, and decreased breath sounds on ...

Acute respiratory failure - in an asthma crisis
Acute respiratory failure (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Acute respiratory failure is a life-threatening condition where the lungs cannot provide sufficient oxygen to the blood or remove enough carbon dioxide. For nurses, recognising and responding quickly to signs such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, confusion, or cyanosis is critical. Nurses ar ...

EEG epilepsy pattern
Seizures (Romania)
Clinical Area:

Convulsions, or seizures, are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that can cause changes in behavior, movement, or consciousness. For nurses, quick recognition and management of convulsions are crucial. Nurses must prioritize patient safety by ensuring a clear environment to pr ...

Monitor with vital signs
MRSA-Associated Systemic Sepsis in Neonate (Greece)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

You are caring for Baby J, a preterm infant born at 30 weeks gestation, now 12 days old, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Baby J has been receiving parenteral nutrition through a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) and small enteral feedings of expressed breast milk. Over the pa ...

Important findings on blood results and blood cultures
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in NICU patient (Greece)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

You are caring for a male preterm infant born at 28 weeks gestation, now 18 days old, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The infant has a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) placed three days ago, which is being used for total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and intermittent medication ...

Infant with abdominal distension on physical examination
Suspected Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) in a Neonate (Greece)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

Baby A, a preterm infant born at 29 weeks gestation, is now 9 days old and has been under care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The infant had been stable and receiving expressed breast milk through enteral feeds for the past five days. However, during your shift, Baby A develops alarming ...

Video with Nasal Flaring in Newborn
Neonate with suspected RSV (Greece)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

A male infant was born to a 26-year-old mother with no significant medical history. The infant, delivered at 35 weeks gestation due to a premature rupture of the membranes with a birth weight of 2 kg, initially demonstrated a stable postnatal course and was discharged in good condition after four da ...

Chest X-ray showing patchy infiltration in both lungs and predominantly in the right lower lung
Neonatal Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Greece)
Clinical Area:
Infectious diseases

You are caring for a 27-week preterm infant, now 15 days old, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The infant has been mechanically ventilated since birth due to severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), requiring continuous respiratory support. During your shift, you observe a marked and c ...

Clinical Area:

Parto às 36 semanas e 5 dias, por cesariana após trabalho de parto prolongado e com recurso a ventosa, mãe em pré-eclâmpsia e positiva ao Covid19. Após o nascimento foi realizado teste Covid19 ao recém-nascido tendo resultado negativo. No bloco de partos foi necessária reanimação do recé ...

Asfixia Neonatal
1. Asfixia perinatal (Portugal)
Clinical Area:

Recém-nascido do sexo feminino internado logo após o nascimento no serviço de Neonatologia por Asfixia Fetal. Nasceu de parto distócico (cesariana emergente), sob anestesia geral, por falência de parto distócico instrumentado (ventosa seguida de fórceps), às 39 semanas. Apresentou Apgar 4/6/ ...

Blue Baby Heart Defect: Tetralogy of Fallot Treatments
Tatralogy of Fallot (Portugal)
Clinical Area:

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a congenital heart defect that consists of four abnormalities in the heart's structure. These defects affect blood flow and reduce the oxygen levels in the body. The four key components of TOF are: Pulmonary Stenosis – Narrowing of the pulmonary valve or artery, restr ...

Chest x-ray showing normal lung fields and slight cardiomegaly.
Neonatal pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum (Greece)
Clinical Area:

A 37-year-old, G1 P0 woman gives birth to a male neonate at 40 weeks of gestational age, with a birth weight of 3200 g. Past medical history was unremarkable, but the prenatal care throughout the pregnancy was suboptimal. The infant was born by normal vaginal delivery. He cried immediately after b ...

Chest x-ray showing signs of pulmonary overcirculation and pulmonary edema
Neonatal coarctation of the aorta (Greece)
Clinical Area:

A 36-year-old, G4 P3 woman gives birth to a male neonate at 41 weeks of gestational age, with a birth weight of 3450 g. Regarding her past medical history, she suffered from diabetes mellitus with poor control, and she had suboptimal prenatal care throughout her pregnancy. The infant was born by n ...

Chest x-ray showing normal lung fields and cardiomegaly.
Neonatal pulmonary atresia with cardiogenic shock due to severe aortic stenosis (Greece)
Clinical Area:

A 28-year-old, G2 P1 woman gives birth to a female neonate at 37 weeks of gestational age, with a birth weight of 2700 g. Past medical history was unremarkable. The mother had limited prenatal care throughout the pregnancy. There was no history of maternal medications and there was no family history ...

12-lead EKG showing narrow-complex supraventricular tachycardia.
Neonatal supraventricular tachycardia (Greece)
Clinical Area:

A male newborn infant is brought to the NICU due to tachycardia. The infant was born at term by normal vaginal delivery to a 28-year-old G1P0 now 1 woman. He cried immediately after birth, with good respiratory effort, heart rate >100 b/m, good tone, and normal skin color. His Apgar scores were 8 in ...

Chest x-ray showing cardiomegaly
Neonatal cardiac tamponade (Greece)
Clinical Area:

A female newborn was born at term, at 31 weeks of gestational age, with a birth weight of 1350 g, by vaginal delivery due to preterm onset of labor, to a 33-year-old G4P3 woman. The mother had adequate prenatal care during pregnancy and an unremarkable past medical history. She received no medicatio ...

Exchange Transfusion
Exchange Transfusion in a Newborn (Portugal)
Clinical Area:
Internal medicine

A male newborn, at 38 weeks of gestation, weighing 2.9 kg, was delivered via cesarean section due to fetal distress. At birth, his APGAR scores were 4 at the 1st minute and 6 at the 5th minute, showing signs of clinical instability. The newborn was admitted to the neonatal unit due to severe jaun ...